Agggggh guys, I'm so sorry! I'm rubbish at updating!
Just a quick post as I have some news: I've FINALLY ordered a HD webcam! This means that I will be able to post a lot more as I don't have to rely on my ancient digital camera! One of my resolutions is to really get this blog up and running and I've got soooooo many things I want to share with you all:)
I hope you are all well and are having a lovely 2012 so far! Suffering from slight January blues as I've realised how much I have to do within the next few months... Eek.
The BIGGEST piece of news I have is that my parents have purchased my birthday present! We went to Bicester Village just after Christmas and the moment I walked in I spotted THE most beautiful 'outlet special' BAYSWATER! It was a bargain and as it's a special, it means it's slightly different to the normal bags (the inside is lined, there is no clochette or feet on the bottom) PLUS it's in a colour/leather combination that hasn't been used on the Bayswaters from the normal Mulberry collections! This makes it even more special to me and I'm soooo excited to get my sticky little mitts on it. Got to wait until late February though. Boo :(
Needless to say, I will be sharing photos when I'm allowed it!
Hope you all had an amazing and peaceful holiday and that Father Christmas bought you everything you asked for!
A xo